Speed fix tool software review
Speed fix tool software review

If your registry is indeed corrupted, you have bigger problems and a registry cleaner isn’t going to fix it - you’d need to use System Restore, at least. If your Windows PC is crashing or blue-screening, you shouldn’t worry about “registry errors.” “Corrupted” and “damaged” registry entries also aren’t wreaking havoc on your computer, despite what the snake oil peddlers might want you to believe.

speed fix tool software review

Wise Registry Cleaner, which is thankfully at least free, says it can also “get your PC running… more safely.” Left unchecked, your system can become increasingly unstable, run more slowly and crash more frequently.” Over time the registry starts losing shape, accumulating obsolete, corrupt and harmful files.

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“Have you noticed that the longer you have your computer, the slower it runs and the more it crashes? Often this is because whenever you install or uninstall software, adjust hardware or change settings, the Windows registry is updated. The following passage from Uniblue’s Registry Booster product page is a good example of the typical promises you’ll see:

speed fix tool software review

  • Registry cleaners also eliminate “corrupted” and “damaged” entries.
  • Your registry is full of junk that is “clogging” it and slowing down your PC.
  • Registry cleaners fix “registry errors” that can cause system crashes and even blue-screens.
  • Here are some promises that registry cleaner tools often make: Registry cleaner companies want you to believe that this would result in big performance improvements so you’ll buy their software.

    speed fix tool software review

    All a registry cleaner does is scan your registry for entries that appear outdated and remove them.

    Speed fix tool software review